Paper Beads
Adorn yourself with groovy paper beads.
Magazines, junk mail, paper
Glue (any old glue will do)
Mod Podge (only if you want)
String for beading
1. Cut strips of long triangular paper. You can free hand or if you want more precision and uniformity follow these instructions: Measure a strip of paper approximately 3/4 inches wide and 12 inches long. Cut out with a craft knife or scissors. Measure halfway across the paper at one end and make a pencil mark. At the other end of the paper, place your ruler and measure from that end to the midpoint. Trim with a craft knife. Repeat on the other side. You'll notice you just cut out a very long triangle.
Free hand long triangles.
2. Take the wide side of the paper and start to curl around toothpick. The skinny end of of the triangle will be the top.
3. Glue under the top piece of paper and spread excess glue around bead as you roll the bead in your fingers to secure the paper.
4. Keep doing this with different sizes, colors and before you know it you have enough beads to make an accessory!
5. Use string to create you adornment!
While we don’t accept magazine donations we know we are all trying to reuse all the paper in some new way. #creativereuse is so cool!